Vibrations and Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory, IIT-Madras
Lab Research Website

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I'm still thinking of a nice logo for the lab - suggestions are welcome! :-)

Welcome to the website of the Vibrations and Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory. Our motto is simple:

If it oscillates, we'll study it!

We're always on the lookout for motivated students (Bachelors, Masters, and PhD) and scholars (for a Postdoc) who are fascinated by vibrations & dynamics and would like to try their hand out in research. Our door is always open to discuss research possibilities.

You can have a look at the research tab to get a general sense of the types of projects we like to work on. However, we are not closed to suggestions for new topics/areas! :)

Opportunities to Join the Lab (Dated: <2025-02-16 Sun>)

I'm presently looking for

  • Masters' Students (undergraduates will also be considered):
    1. Development of higher order Shell Finite Elements.
    2. Building a nonlinear oscillator using analog electronics.
    3. Implementation of Nonlinear Modal Analysis on a Finite Element Software.
    4. Using fractal surface theory to quantify and localize surface damage from interferometric scans.
  • PhD Students:
    1. Slow-fast decomposition of nonlinear dynamic responses for vibration monitoring and control
    2. Response Synthesis from Nonlinear Modal Analysis

Please email me at if you are interested.

IITM Summer Fellowship Programme
The summer fellowship programme is currently accepting applications. This is open to 3/4th year undergrads and Master's students. The deadline is <2025-02-28 Fri>, please apply!

Here's the link:

Useful Links

  • IITM-SFP: IITM's Summer research fellowship for Bachelors' & Masters' students to pursue a research internship with a stipend
  • NLVib: A MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox for harmonic balance
  • WaveVib: A MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox for wave-based analysis of jointed 1D structures
  • Abaqus4Joints: An ABAQUS/MATLAB tutorial for jointed dynamics modeling


Conference Talks


Stochastic process characteristics of machined surface

Time-decomposition into fast and slow components

Experimental setup for nonlinear modal test

Forced response of self-excited frictional oscillator

Stability eigenvalues map along response

Flow of time in 2 dimensions

Geometrically nonlinear curved beam

Image from Yang et al. 2022

Modal backbones along with first order Sobol' indices

Dissipation flux over a bolted joint interface

Amplitude dependent mode-shapes for a phenomenological model of a bolted joint

Dynamics of a three-bolted lap joint structure (Brake Reu$\ss$ Beam)

FPE based response synthesis against experimental measurements

Geometrically nonlinear curved beam

Hysteretic measurements and predictions for frictional systems

Stability characteristics for a unilateral system computed using averaging

Wave-based description of jointed bar

AFT procedure for plane wave expansion

Quasi-Periodic response of frictional system

Evolution of surface over long term testing

The whole joint representation

Interfacial remeshing ROM

Areas of Interest

Technical interest revolves around engineering applications of linear and nonlinear dynamics. So far, the research has been focused primarily on problems arising in structuray dynamics.

Some topical areas include:

  • Jointed Systems
    • Multi-Scale contact modeling for vibration applications
    • Computational and Theoretical Techniques for Dissipative Dynamics
    • Experimental methods for dissipative systems
  • Nonlinear Modal Analysis
    • Generalization of modal analysis for nonlinear systems
    • Exploitation of such a framework for identification and modeling
  • Reduced Order Modeling
  • System Identification
  • Analytical Methods in Nonlinear Dynamics
    • Slow-Fast dynamic decomposition using Methods of Multiple Scales
    • Singular perturbation approaches in general
  • Experimental Techniques
    • For nonlinear modal testing
    • Video-based non-contact vibration measurements
  • Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation
    • Computational Techniques to supplement existing methods with UQ capabilities

Upcoming Projects

The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of specific projects I plan to actively seek funding for in the short-term:

Direct-Envelope Identification for Nearly Periodic Processes

In a lot of practical problems involving systems undergoing periodic or nearly periodic excitation/response, the response can be described as a periodic solution with a slowly evolving envelope. Some examples included gradual degradation of rotating systems, heat-induced property change in vibration machinery, mechanical joint degradation due to wear, laminar fluid-field excitation on bluff body (von Karman vortex streets), narrow-banded random excitation, etc. In all such situations, time-scale separability between fastly evolving vibrations and slowly evolving envelopes is readily possible.

While vibratory systems need to be sampled higher than the Nyquist frequency (usually several times more), if all that one is interested in is health monitoring, it is sufficient to identify and track the envelope of the process. Being slowly evolving processes, it must be possible to sample these at much smaller intervals. The research question here is: Knowing the periodicity properties of a system, can we reconstruct the vibration envelope using undersampled data?


Time Scale Decomposition for Thermo-Mechanical Problems

A fundamental observation that can be made in thermo-mechanical vibration problems is that the elastic/mechanical portion of the problem is governed by a hyperbolic PDE that leads to oscillatory/harmonic solutions, while the heat equation is parabolic with considerably larger time constants.
Application of time-scale decomposition is a promising framework for dealing with such coupled problems. For example in frictional systems, the vibration response will be accounted for by the fast dynamics and the energy dissipated as heat will be accounted for by slowly evolving envelopes. Thermal fluxes from the environment can also be considered under such a framework as having a direct influence on the vibrations.
Mathematically this will be achieved by using a singular perturbation framework leading to harmonic balance for the vibrations and a first order system for the slow dynamics.


Stochastic Process Approaches For Predictive Constitutive and Damage Modeling of Rough Surfaces

Modeling rough surfaces as stochastic processes has been shown to lead to scale-independent descriptions of rough surfaces. We argue here that if such parameters are scale independent and therefore "features" of the surface, it MUST be possible to relate characteristic constitutive quantities to these features.

Furthermore, stochastic process models of surfaces seem to imply that one can write down a Stochastic Difference Equation (SDE) describing the structure of the surface features with length-scale being the independent variable. Preliminary studies in the literature indicate that this implies a "hierarchical" structure, with the largest length-scale features (read: macro-scale) influencing the intermediate scales (meso-scale) influencing the smallest scales (micro-scale roughness).

With the pursuit of this project, I hope to develop a clearer description of the different scales in the description of a rough surface and their relative contributions to the overall ("macro") dynamics of a jointed system.


Reduced Order Modeling of Structures with Frictional and Geometric Nonlinearities

In most applications involving frictional interfaces coupled to geometrically nonlinear sub-domains (panels riveted/bolted at its ends, etc.), it can be observed that the former are not geometrically nonlinear and latter (large displacement/strain) do not undergo contact under nominal operation. Therefore it makes sense to employ smooth reduced order modeling approaches (orthogonal polynomial projections, etc.) for the latter sub-domains and non-smooth approaches for the former sub-domain.

It has been a standard observation that contact interfaces show non-trivial evolution wherefore employing smooth polynomial fields is not the best way to go. It is my impression that strategies based on adaptive mesh-refinement are perhaps the way to go to improve computational performance in contact problems. Unlike earlier studies, I hope to directly use the governing partial differential equations for conducting the mesh-refinements, rather than using a finely resolved finite element mesh as reference.


Nonlinear Modal Testing as the Next Paradigm in Industrial Modal Analysis

Nonlinear Modal Analysis has gradually started becoming reasonably mature in academic circles over the last two decades. Unlike linear modes, nonlinear modes allow characterization of modal characteristics (natural frequency, damping factor, mode-shape) as response-amplitude dependent features of the system. Substituting the employment of classical linear modal analysis in the industrial setting has all indications of being the next paradigm in the community.

Computational and experimental advances have ensured that analysis as well as experimental characterization of nonlinear modes do not pose prohibitive expenses (as compared to conducting linear analyses/experiments) any longer. Since the scientific advances have matured, technology adoption is the next step. This research will involve the following aspects (which will ideally be achieved by at least 3 candidates):

  • Implementation and validation of nonlinear modal solvers in industrial finite-element software;
  • Implementation and validation of nonlinear modal testing methods (Phase Locked-Loops, Control-Based Continuation) for industrial test cases;
  • Addressing lingering theoretical questions pertaining to mode-mixing, modal interference, etc.


Wave-Expansion Modeling of Rotors, Frames, etc.

We recently developed a suite of wave-based analysis tools (see here for a MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox) that are generally applicable for periodic and quasi-periodic responses of 1D continuum structures. The main advantage here is that the approximations obtained are spatially exact, with errors coming only from the temporal (Fourier) approximations. This results in a computational approach that is several orders of magnitude faster than conventional techniques such as finite elements, etc., while assuring superior accuracy.

We are looking to demonstrate the applicability of this method to

  • Rotordynamic problems with nonlinear bearings, contact, etc.,
  • Spatial frame structures with industrial applications.

Theoretically, we are also trying to see if an averaging concept is applicable to analyze the stability of the resulting solutions.


Ongoing Projects

Here is a list of on-going projects at various stages of completion.

Neimark-Sacker Bifurcations in Forced-Self Excited Frictional Systems

Self excitation is often observed in aeroelastic systems where the aerodynamic influences lead to energy being added into the sytem in a state-dependent fashion. The resulting instabilities are saturated, in practical applications, by mechanical contacts undergoing frictional dissipation. We develop a novel fully frequency domain approach for the bifurcation analysis of such systems. An imporant aspect of the approach here is that no theoretical conditions are violated for the stability analysis eventhough the systems are fundamentally non-smooth (dry friction modeled using non-smooth relationships).


Application of Nonlinear Modal Methods for Narrow-Band Random Excitation

Thus far, nonlinear modal methods have found applications only in periodic response regimes. We are trying to understand the efficacy in random response regimes in this projects.

The evolution of the slow envelope is written in terms of a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE), and solving the corresponding Fokker Planck Equations (FPE) allows us to identify the diffusion of the probability density of the envelopes directly.


Identification of Micro-Slip Hysteretic Models from Frictional Response Measurements

We deal with the fundamental problem of identifying hysteretic models that best fit measurements made from a tribometer developed at the University of Stuttgart. Although several models exist in the literature, robust identification poses several challenges due to epistemic issues characteristic of friciton modeling.


An Averaging Approach for the Stability of Periodic Responses

Pursuing the spirit of the method of multiple scales and time-scale decomposition, we have shown that it is indeed possible to rigorously write down slow-time evolution equations for the Fourier coefficients of a nonlinear oscillator. Unlike classical Floquet theory which requires smoothness and is thereby inapplicable to frictional contact problems, the averaging approach has lesser theoretical constraints, making it more generally applicable.


Modal Interactions in the Presence of Multiple Nonlinear Modes

Accounting for the coexistence of multiple nonlinear modes in a single response has been an enduring problem in the nonlinear modal analysis literature. It is becoming clear that ignoring multi-modal effects in system identification leads to several inconsistencies. We are conducting a theoretical analysis to understand this phenomenon better.


Past Research

Here is a list of past research projects.

Torus-Time Marching for the Evaluation of Hystereses Under Quasi-Periodic Responses

Hysteretic forces (specifically rate-independent laws) are often represented as differential relationships. Evaluation of these requires an incremental implementation based on discretizing the differential operators. For periodic response calculations (using Harmonic Balance, for instance), imposing periodicity as a constraint leads to an iterative implementation that is repeated until convergence. In this work we generalized this idea to the multi-frequency "quasi-periodic" case.


A Sparse Parameterized Identification Approach for Weakly Nonlinear Systems

Decoupling the dynamics of a weakly nonlinear oscillator into fast-varying dynamics and slowly-varying amplitudes leads to a theoretical framework referred to as quasi-linearization. When the amplitude is kept constant, the system dynamics ends up behaving in a linear manner. Conducting testing (forced response, for instance) while controlling the response amplitude (adjusting force appropriately) leads to fully linear responses. Repeating such tests for multiple amplitude levels has been shown to allow one to paint an accurate picture of the dynamics of the system.

In this work, we used this framework to develop a novel transfer function identification methodology. The transfer function is dependent, apart from the \(s\) parameter, also on the response amplitude. Solving the resulting problem using sparse regression leads to a computationally attractive system identification method for weakly non-linear systems.


Wave-Based Modeling for the Periodic Response and Stability Analysis of Jointed 1D Structures

In this work we developed a suite of techniques, based on wave propagation representations on 1D bars and beams, to analyse the periodic responses and stability of jointed 1D structures. The main advantage with the wave-based approach is that it is spatially exact and the approximations are introduced from the time-representation only. A semi-analytical approach based on singular perturbation and a numerical approach based on plane-wave expansions were formulated and applied.

For stability analysis, a generalized strained-parameter approach using singular perturbations and a numerical approach based on sign changes in the determinant are proposed. It must be noted that these stability analysis approaches are capable of detecting simple bifurcations (fold-type, period-doubling) but will not work for Hopf-type bifurcations (Neimark-Sacker). A MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox named WaveVib has been created based on this work, which is aimed to allow fast prototyping with a versatile "front-end".


A Deep Neural Network Approach for Experimental Modal Analysis Using Video Measurements

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has emerged as the new standard in video-based vibration testing. In this work, we established, firstly, a framework for conducting Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) using DIC measurements for a system under electrodynamic excitation. Although DIC provides full-field data, the main drawback holding it from wide-spread applicability is that post-processing is a rather expensive process. We therefore adapted (fine-tuned) an existing deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to substitute the DIC computation in the EMA application and demonstrated that such Neural Networks can indeed substitute DIC, with some examples showing even a 15x increase in computational performance.


A Stochastic Approach for the Quantification of the Effects of Non-Unique Residual Tractions in Frictional Systems

Frictional interfaces are classically known to be statically indeterminate under nominal loads (until the "slip limit"). For structures with multiple joints wherein the tangential restoring forces from one joint influences the normal loading conditions of another joint, this indeterminacy manifests in a very pronounced manner, making the system exhibit non-unique solutions. Employing a mathematical parameterization of this effect for the elastic dry-friction element, we analyzed this effect from a stochastic perspective (using PCE) in the context of other possible uncertainties in frictional joints. It was observed that the influence of this non-uniqueness is most pronounced in the micro-slip regime.


Long-Term Evolution of the Dynamics of Jointed Structures

Wear and friction related damage is a rather obvious expectation from mechanical joints. Capturing such phenomena quantitatively is, however, an enduring challenge in the joints community. We conducted a 12-hour experimental campaign studying the evolution of the dynamics of a jointed system. Frequency response and hammer impact-based nonlinear modal tests were conducted to characterize the dynamics. Interferometry was used to obtain height maps of the interfaces to characterize roughness. Continuous periodic excitation was provided at a near-resonant condition to induce wear in the interface.


Multi-Scale Modeling of Bolted Joints with Uncerainty Quantification

We applied a statistical rough contact approach to conduct predictive nonlinear modal analysis of a bolted structure and compared this against experimental measurements. Frequency accuracy within 5% and damping accuracy within 25% were achieved. We also employed Polynomial Chaos Expansion for uncertainty quantification.


Hyper-Reduction for Jointed Interfaces

Hyper-reduction in the context of Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) refers to the development of ROMs wherein the model evaluation can be conducted completely without transforming the system back to the Full Order Model (FOM). Most projection based ROMs require one to first transform the reduced Degrees-of-Freedoms (DoFs) to the FOM domain for the evaluation of nonlinear forces (interfacial friction, for instance). We developed two novel hyper-reduction approaches for interfacial reduction of jointed systems.

The first technique is based on the so-called Spider elements/distributing coupling elements. These formulations are modified to be tailor-fit to flat interfaces and relevant constitutive models are also developed. The resulting "whole-joint model" provides a highly compressed representation of the original system, wherein the forces and moments on the "patches" represent specific traction distributions on the original interface.

The second technique is based on remeshing the interface and constructing the projection matrices in a manner that allows one to evaluate the nonlinear forces fully in the reduced mesh. The way we do this here is to evaluate the projection operators completely based on quadrature points of the reduced mesh. While this leads to a special left projector matrix for the vector of nonlinear forces, it completely avoids having to transform the system back to the original domain.


A Quasi-Static Generalization of Rayleigh Quotient Extremality for Nonlinear Modal Analysis

The most popular techniques for nonlinear modal analysis involve either transient shooting or Harmonic balance (which also involves transient evaluation). More recently quasi-static simulations, under certain assumptions, have been shown to lead to an approximate but efficient approach for nonlinear modal analysis. These were termed Quasi-Static Modal Analysis (QSMA) and have found applications in several practical examples.

In this work we went back to linear vibration theory where linear modes are defined as the minimizers of Rayleigh quotients, which are quadratic functions of the states. For weakly nonlinear systems, making a near-quadratic assumption for a generalized Rayleigh quotient leads to a completely new concept of nonlinear modes. Here, we apply the principle of virtual work (since energy can't be defined consistently for dissipative systems) and obtain a set of quasi-static equations with a scalar constraint. The constraint introduces a Lagrange multiplier as an additional unknown, which is interpreted in congruence with linear vibrations (where \(\lambda=\omega_n^2\)).



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Refereed Articles


Conference and Workshop Papers

Theses and Miscellanies


S.No. Course ID Title Term(s)
1. AS3020 Aerospace Structures Jul-Nov 2024
2. AS2070 Aerospace Structural Mechanics Jan-May 2025



Nidish Narayanaa Balaji (PI)

Assistant Professor in the Aerospace Engineering Department at IIT-Madras since 2024.

Contact Details

  • Email:
  • Office: Room 139, Department of Aerospace Engineering
  • Phone: 044-2257-4042

M.Tech. Students


Charan Kumar (M.Tech. 2024)

Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) approaches for 3D frame structures with nonlinear joints.

Contact Details


Sathyanarayana Reddy (M.Tech. 2024)

Development of spline-based numerical continuation methods.

Contact Details


Dhanush M (M.Tech. 2024)

Development of Julia code for nonlinear vibration analysis.

Contact Details

Undergraduate Students


Viswajit Ati (B.Tech. 2022)

Raspberry Pi-based platform for vibration testing.

Contact Details

Principal Investigator


Figure 1: Nidish Narayanaa Balaji: Personal Website, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Link to CV

Assistant Professor in the Aerospace Engineering Department at IIT-Madras since 2024.

Contact Details

  • Email:
  • Office: Room 139, Department of Aerospace Engineering
  • Phone: 044-2257-4042

Educational Background:

Awards and Recognitions

  • Awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship for conducting research at the University of Stuttgart, hosted by Prof. Malte Krack.
  • Awarded the 2020-2021 Emmett T. and Geraldyne Smith Roberts Award by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University "to recognize a graduate student that has demonstrated academic achievement and outstanding quality of research."
  • Awarded the Resiliency Award from the AMPT Center, Rice University (Additive Manufacturing, Performance and Tribology center) during the 2020 AMPT Symposium for "demonstrating exceptional resilience in research in the face of challenges posed by COVID-19".
  • Awarded the Ken Kennedy-Cray Inc. Fellowship for the academic year 2019/20 by the Ken Kennedy Institute, Rice University, for "the development of High-Performance codes for Joint Dynamics".

Created using Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.6.15).

Last updated: 2025-03-12.