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  • Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras
    Prof. P. A. Ramakrishna

    Journal Articles

    1. Kumar Nagendra, Chaitanya Vijay and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Binder Melt: Quantifiaction Using SEM/EDS and its Effects on Composite Solid Propellant Combustion" Combustion Symposium, (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.003

    2. Gaurav Marothiya and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Utilization of Mechanically Activated Aluminium in Hybrid Rockets" Journal of Propulsion and Power, (2018), doi: https://doi.org/10.2514/1.B36846

    3. Gaurav Rajoriya, Chaitanya Vijay and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Thermal Conductivity Estimation of High Solid Loading Particulate Composites: A Numerical Approach" International Journal of Thermal Sciences, (2018) 127 pp. 252-265 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2018.01.023

    4. Gaurav Marothiya, Chaitanya Vijay, K. Ishita and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Effects on Burn rates of Pellets and Propellants with Catalyst-Embeded AP" Journal of Propulsion and Power, (2017), 34, pp. 969-974. doi:https://doi.org/10.2514/1.B36776

    5. Nagendra Kumar, Y. Raj Alexander and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Extinction of AP Monopropellant by Rapid Depressurization: Compuational and Experimental Studies," Combustion and Flame, (2017) 184 pp. 90-100 doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.05.030

    6. Gaurav Marothiya, Chaitanya Vijay, K. Ishita and P. A. Ramakrishna, "An Effective Method to Embed Catalyst on AP and its Effecton the Burn Rates of Aluminized Composite Solid Propellant" Combustion and Flame, (2017) 182 pp. 114-121 doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.04.010

    7. Gaurav Marothiya and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Enhancement of Aluminium Reactivity to Achieve High Burn Rate for an End Burning Rocket Motor," Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechniques, doi: 10.1002/prep.201600304

    8. Nikunj Rathi and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Attaining hypersonic flight with aluminum based fuel rich propellant", Journal of Propulsion and Power, (2017) doi: 10.2514/1.B36463

    9. Gaurav Marothiya and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Effect of Mechanical Activation of High Specific Surface Area Aluminium with PTFE on Composite Solid Propellant", Combustion and Flame, (2016) 166 pp. 203-215 doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.01.019

    10. Kumar Ishitha and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Burning Rates Studies: Potassium Doped Ammonium Perchlorate with Other Burn Rate Modifiers", Journal of Propulsion and Power, (2016) 32 (5) pp. 1104-1109

    11. Rajiv Kumar and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Studies on EVA Based Wax Fuel for Launch Vehicle Applications", Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechniques, (2016) 41 (2) pp. 295-303

    12. Kumar Ishitha and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Reducing Agglomeration of Ammonium Perchlorate using Activated Charcoal", Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechniques, (2015) 40 (6) pp. 838-847

    13. Rajiv Kumar and P A Ramakrishna, "Enhancement of Hybrid Fuel Regression Rate Using a Bluff Body, Journal of Propulsion and Power (2014) 30 pp. 909-916

    14. Rajiv Kumar and P A Ramakrishna, "Effect of Protrusion on the Enhancement of Regression Rate Aerospace Science and Technology", Aerospace Science & Technology, (2014) 39 pp. 169-178

    15. Rajiv Kumar and P A Ramakrishna, "Measurement of Regression Rate in Hybrid Rocket Using Combustion Chamber Pressure", Acta Astronautica, (2014) 103 pp. 226-234

    16. Kumar Ishitha and P A Ramakrishna, "Activated Charcoal: As Burn Rate Modifier and Its Mechanism of Action in Non-Metalized Composite Solid Propellants", International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, (2014) 6 (1) pp. 76-95

    17. Kumar Ishitha and P A Ramakrishna, "Studies on the Role of Iron Oxide and Copper Chromite in Solid Propellant Combustion", Combustion and Flame, (2014) 161 (10) pp. 2717-2728

    18. Kumar Ishitha and Ramakrishna P.A., "Potassium Doped Ammonium Perchlorate - Part II", (2014) Journal of Propulsion and Power 30 (4) pp. 876-882

    19. Kumar Ishitha and Ramakrishna P.A., "Potassium Doped Ammonium Perchlorate - Part I", (2014) Journal of Propulsion and Power 30 (2) pp. 277-284

    20. Verma S. and Ramakrishna P.A., "Dependence of density and burning rate of composite solid propellant on mixer size", (2014) Acta Astronautica 93 pp. 130-137

    21. P A Ramakrishna, M Ramakrishna and R Manimaran, "Experimental investigation of temperature separation in a counter flow vortex tube", ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, (2014) 136 (8)

    22. Rajiv Kumar and Ramakrishna P.A., "Issues Related to the Measurement of Regression Rate of Fast-Burning Hybrid Fuels", Journal of Propulsion and Power, (2013) 29 (5) pp. 1114-1121

    23. Verma S. and Ramakrishna P.A., "Effect of specific surface area of aluminum on composite solid propellant burning", Journal of Propulsion and Power (2013) 29 (5) pp.1200-1206

    24. Verma S. and Ramakrishna, P.A., "Investigations on activated charcoal, a burn-rate enhancer in composite solid propellant", (2013) Journal of Propulsion and Power 29 (5) pp. 1214-1219.

    25. Sumit Verma and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Activated Charcoal - A Novel Burn Rate Enhancer of Aluminized Composite Propellants", Combustion and Flame, (2010) 157 (6) pp. 1202-1210

    26. P. A. Ramakrishna, "Importance of lateral momentum equation to the modeling of sandwich propellant combustion", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, (2009) 32 pp. 2139-2146

    27. P. A. Ramakrishna, Shi Yang and C. H. Sohn, "Innovative Design to Improve the Power Density of Solid Oxide Fuel cell", Journal of Power Sources, 2006 158 pp. 378-384

    28. Shi Yang, P. A. Ramakrishna and C. H. Sohn, "Issues Related to the Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2006 20 (3), pp. 391-398

    29. Ramakrishna P. A., Paul P. J., and Mukunda H. S., "Revisiting the Modeling of Ammonium Perchlorate Combustion: Development of an Unsteady Model", Journal of Propulsion and Power, (2006) 22 (3) pp. 661-668

    30. Ramakrishna, P. A., Paul, P. J., Mukunda H. S., and C. H. Sohn, "Combustion of Sandwich Propellant at Low Pressures", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, (2005) 30 pp. 2097-2014

    31. Ramakrishna, P. A., Paul, P. J., and Mukunda H. S., Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, (2003) 29 pp. 2963-2973

    International and National Conference Papers

    1. Zubin Matheikal, A. Sameen, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Fluidic Thrust Vectoring for Air Breathing Engines", 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP 2017), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala, India, December 14-16, 2017

    2. Chethana P. Rao, P. A. Ramakrishana, H. Murthy, "Effect of High Surface Area Aluminium Powder and Polyamide on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy", International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures - ICCMS 2017, Hyderabad, India, December 27-29, 2017

    3. Rutika Godbole, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Enhancement of Cooling Capacity of a Vortex Tube", 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, India, December 27-30, 2017

    4. Kumar Nagendra, Naveen Kumar, Kumar Ishitha, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Effects of Thermal Properties on Low Pressure Deflagration Limit of AP", 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, Sydney, Australia, December 10-14, 2017

    5. Kumar Nagendra, P. A. Ramakrishana, Gururaja Rao, Arvind Kumar, "Computational Studies on Combustion Instability of Solid Rocket Motor: A Case Study", 11th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits, Pune, India, November 23-25, 2017

    6. Kumar Nagendra, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Quantification of Binder Melt in Composite Solid Propellants", 11th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits, Pune, India, November 23-25, 2017

    7. Chaitanya Vijay, Gaurav Marothiya, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Role of Thermal Diffusivity in Determining Temperature Sensitivity", 11th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits, Pune, India, November 23-25, 2017

    8. M.G. Gautham, Nikunj Rathi, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Performance Study of Aluminium based Water Ramjets", 11th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits, Pune, India, November 23-25, 2017

    9. Velari Yogeshkumar, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Active Propulsion of an Artillery Gun Shell by Means of a Ramjet", 11th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits, Pune, India, November 23-25, 2017

    10. N. Hamza, H. Murthy, P. A. Ramakrishana, "Accelerated Ageing of Soild Propellant", 11th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits, Pune, India, November 23-25, 2017

    11. Nagendra Kumar, P. A. Ramakrishana, V. Kalyana Chakravarthy, Debasis Chakraborty, "Computational Studies on Erosive Burning of Solid Rocket Motor with Propellant Combustion", 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 18-21, 2017

    12. S. Ravi Teja, P. A. Ramakrishna and A. Ramesh, "Comparative Analysis of Ethanol/Butanol-Gasoline Blends in Constant Volume Combustion Chamber", 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 18 - 21, 2017

    13. Chaitanya Vijay and P A Ramakrishna,"A New Approach to Prediction of Burn Rates of Non-Aluminized Composite Solid Propellants", 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 18-21, 2017

    14. Velari Yogeshkumar, Nikunj Rathi and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Combustion Analysis of Metalized Fueled Hybrid Ramjet for Active Propulsion of an Artillery Gun Shell", 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 18-21, 2017

    15. M. G. Gautham, Nikunj Rathi and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Combustion of Large Specific Surface Area Aluminum Particles (pyral) with Water", 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia April 18-21, 2017

    16. Vishnu P. R. and P A Ramakrishna, "Experimental Study of Paraffin Wax Based Hybrid Rocket Motor with Aerospike Nozzle", Proceedings of the 1st National Aerospace Propulsion Conference 2017, March 15-17, 2017, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur.

    17. Guruprasad Kallanje, Chaitanya Vijaya and P A Ramakrishna, "Effect of Binder Melt Thickness in Combustion of Composite Solide Propellants", Proceedings of the 1st National Aerospace Propulsion Conference 2017, March 15-17, 2017, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur.

    18. Chaitanya Vijay, K Raghuvarun, K V Sai Bhargav, Krishnan Balasubramaniam, P A Ramakrishna, "Experimental Validation of Random Packs for Composite Solid Propellants Using X-Ray Computed Tomography", 8th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, November 3-5, 2016

    19. Gaurav Rajoriya, Chaitanya Vijay, P. A. Ramakrishna, "Numerical Method to Estimate Thermal Conductivity of a Model Composite Propellant" 52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Salt Lake City, UT, July 25-27, 2016.

    20. Reducing residue in aluminized fuel-rich propellant for Ramjets, Nikunj Rathi, P. A. Ramakrishna, 52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Salt Lake City, UT, July 25-27, 2016.

    21. N. Hamza, P. A. Ramakrishna, H. Murthy, Effect of Ageing on Mechanical Properties of Composite Solid Propellants, 52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Salt Lake City, UT, July 25-27, 2016.

    22. N. Hamza, P. A. Ramakrishna, H. Murthy, "A Novel Technique to Measure Thermal Diffusivity of Composite Solid Propellants," LAMSYS-2016, SDSC SHAR.

    23. Mahesh Shrikishan Ingole, Nikunj Rathi, P.A. Ramakrishna, "Alternate air breathing engines for large thrust required for launch vehicle applications", LAMSYS-2016, SDSC SHAR.

    24. Perumal R, Ramakrishna P.A, "Effect of ageing on burn rate of Copper chromite-Ammonium Perchlorate Pellet", LAMSYS-2016, SDSC SHAR.

    25. Y. Raj Alexander, Nagendra Kumar, P. A. Ramakrishna, "Study of Extinction Characteristics of Solid Rocket Motor Propellant Using Rapid Depressurization", 10th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibit, Hyderabad, India, Feb 11-13, 2016.

    26. Sathesh Kumar G, Gaurav Marothiya, P. A. Ramakrishna, Sunitha Devi Jena, Abhishek Richhariya, "Development of High Burn Rate Composite Propellant for Nozzleless Booster Application", 10th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibit, Hyderabad, India, Feb 11-13, 2016.

    27. Gaurav Marothiya, and P.A. Ramakrishna, "Enhancement of Aluminium Reactivity to Achieve High Burn Rate for an End Burning Rocket Motor", 10th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibit, Hyderabad, India, Feb 11-13, 2016.

    28. Manu N.M., Arjun B.J., Gaurav Marothiya and Ramakrishna P.A, "Experimental Validation and Study of A New High Performance Hybrid Propellant Combination", 2nd National Propulsion Conference, Feb.23-24, 2015 IIT Bombay.

    29. James Joseph and Ramakrishna P.A., "Design of A Hybrid Rocket for Mid-Air Restarting of An Aero Engine", 2nd National Propulsion Conference, Feb.23-24, 2015 IIT Bombay.

    30. Avdhesh K. Gola, Hamza Naseem, H.S.N. Murthy , P. A. Ramakrishna, "Effect of Ageing on Ballistic Properties of Solid Propellants", 2nd National Propulsion Conference, Feb.23-24, 2015 IIT Bombay.

    31. Nikunj Rathi and P.A. Ramakrishna, "Reducing Ammonium Perchlorate content and Residue in Solid Fuel Ramjet", 2nd National Propulsion Conference, Feb.23-24, 2015 IIT Bombay.

    32. Nagendra Kumar and P.A. Ramakrishna, "A Novel Method for Grain Design Using a Disposable Mandrel", 2nd National Propulsion Conference, Feb.23-24, 2015 IIT Bombay.

    33. Gaurav Marothiya, P.A. Ramakrishna "A Novel Method to Obtain Temperature Sensitivity of Composite Solid Propellants", National Propulsion Conference, Feb.23-24, 2015 IIT Bombay.

    34. Rajiv kumar and Ramakrishna, P. A. ,"Possible Use of Wax Based Hybrid Rocket for a Launch Vehicle Application", International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibit, VSSC Trivandrum, India, Feb 13-15, 2014,

    35. Jogesh Kumar Nanda and Ramakrishna, P. A., "Development of AP/HTPB Based Fuel Rich Propellant for Solid Propellant Ramjet", 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, San Jose, CA. July 14 - 17, 2013.

    36. Gaurav Marothiya, Ishitha, K. and Ramakrishna, P. A., "A New and Effective Method to Enhance the Burn Rate of Composite Solid Propellants", Ninth Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, May 22-25 2013,Gyeongju, South Korea.

    37. Ishitha, K. and Ramakrishna, P. A., "Studies to understand the low pressure deflagration limit of ammonium perchlorate",1st National Propulsion Conference, Feb., 2013 IIT Madras.

    38. Verma, S. and Ramkrishana, P. A., "Pyral as a burn rate enhancer in a composite solid propellant", Twenty sixth National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Dec. 2012 Hyderabad.

    39. Ishitha, K. and Ramakrishna, P. A., "Studies on the mechanism of iron oxide and copper chromite in solid propellant combustion", Twenty sixth National Convention of Aerospace Engineers Dec. 2012 Hyderabad

    40. Gaurav Marothiya, P.A. Ramakrishna, "Enhancement of Regression Rate in HTPB Based Hybrid Rocket using Recrystallized AP and Pyro-Al", Nineth International Conference on Flow Dynamics September 19 - 21, 2012 Sendai

    41. Rajiv Kumar and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Enhancement of Regression Rate Using a Bluff Body in Hybrid Fuels", Nineth International Conference on Flow Dynamics September 19 - 21, 2012 Sendai

    42. Hiteshwar Brahma, Rajiv Kumar and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Improving the Mechanical Properties of Paraffin Based Hybrid Fuels", Nineth International Conference on Flow Dynamics September 19 - 21, 2012 Sendai

    43. Ishitha K., Ramakrishna P.A., "Agglomeration of AP" poster presentation 34th International Symposium on Combustion Warsaw, Poland, July 29-August 3, 2012.

    44. Ishitha, K. and Ramakrishna, P. A., "Development of a High Burn Rate Non - Aluminized Composite Propellant with Low Burn Rate Pressure Index", 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, San Diego, California 31 Jul- 3 Aug 2011.

    45. Verma, S. and Ramkrishana, P. A., "Effect of Mixer Size on Density and Burn Rate of Composite Solid Propellant", 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, San Diego, California 31 Jul - 3 Aug 2011.

    46. Verma, S. and Ramkrishana, P. A., "Role of moisture in activated charcoal in composite solid propellant", 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, San Diego, California 31 Jul - 3 Aug 2011.

    47. Rajiv Kumar and P A Ramakrishna, "Issues Related to the Regression Rate of the Fast Burning Hybrid Fuels", Eighth Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, 10-13 December 2010, Hyderabad, India.

    48. K. Ishitha and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Sandwich propellant studies to determine the action site of activated charcoal," Eighth Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, 10-13 December 2010, Hyderabad, India.

    49. Verma, S. and Ramkrishana, P. A., "Development of low burn rate pressure index composite solid propellant", Eighth Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, 10-13 December 2010, Hyderabad, India.

    50. Sumit Verma and P. A. Ramakrishna, "Activated Charcoal as a Burn Rate Enhancer in Composite Solid Propellant", International Conference and Exhibition on Aerospace Engineering, 2009, pp 427 - 435.

    51. P. A. Ramakrishna and C. H. Sohn, "Modeling the phenomenon in an individual solid oxide fuel cell", Solar Cities Conference, Daegu, South Korea, Nov. 2004.

    52. Shi Yang, P. A. Ramakrishna and C. H. Sohn, "Modeling of Solid Oxide fuel Cell Stacks", Solar Cities Conference, Daegu, South Korea, Nov. 2004.

    53. Ramakrishna P. A., Paul P. J., and Mukunda H. S., "Sandwich Propellant Combustion", International workshop on Modern Advances in Combustion, IIT Madras, India, Aug-Sept 2001.

    54. Ramakrishna P. A., Paul P. J., and Mukunda H. S., "Revisiting the Combustion Models of Ammonium Perchlorate", Second International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibit, IIT Madras, India, 1998, pp 180-186.

    55. P. A. Ramakrishna, "Relevant sizes of AP and binder in sandwich propellant combustion", Eighth National Conference on Air Breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, DIAT Pune, 2006, pp 651 - 660.

    56. Ramakrishna P. A., Paul P. J., and Mukunda H. S., "Revisiting Combustion Model of Ammonium Perchlorate Including Stability", Fifth National Conference on Air Breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, DRDL Hyderabad, 2000, pp 541-551.

    57. Paul P. J., Ramakrishna P. A., and Mukunda H. S., "Computational Study of Combustion in Sandwich Solid Propellants", Fourth National Conference on Air Breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, IISc Bangalore, India, 1998, pp AP11-AP21.

    58. Ramakrishna P. A., Paul P. J., and Mukunda H. S., "Statistical Analysis of Composite Solid Propellant", Third National Conference on Air Breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, IIT Madras, India, 1996, pp 1-5.