` Dr.G.Rajesh

G Rajesh


Department of Aerospace Engineering

IIT Madras

Email : rajesh@ae.iitm.ac.in

Ph No : +91 44 2257 4032


Research Interests : Experimental Aerodynamics - High Speed Flows & Shockwave Dynamics

Current Research

Future Plans

Funded Projects

Journal Articles

33.DiviaHarshaVardini R C, G. Rajesh, Arul Prakash, and Ikhyun Kim, 2025, "Numerical Study on Parametric Effects of Active Suction for Transition Delay in Hypersonic Boundary Layers", AIAA Journal, 63(3), 1191-1194,. DOI
32.DiviaHarshaVardini R C, G. Rajesh, and Arul Prakash, 2024, "A Numerical Study of Laminar/Transitional Shock–Boundary Layer Interaction on a Hypersonic Double Wedge Using a Modified gamma-transition Model," Shockwaves, 34, 515-525. DOI
31.Baby VY, Paramanantham V and G. Rajesh, 2024, "Regular Reflection to Mach Reflection (RR–MR) Transition in Short Wedges. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol.998:A38. DOI
30. Anbu Serene Raj C, Vishnu Prasad S, G. Rajesh and Sameen A, 2024, "Pseudosteady Shock Refractions Over an Air–Water Interface". Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol.998:A49. DOI
29. G. Sivaprasad, G Rajesh, T. Jayachandran, and Arun Kumar Rajagopal, 2023, "Strong Shock Solutions in Symmetric Wedge Flows: Unphysical or Unstable?," Physics of Fluids, 35, 066104. DOI
28. Vagish D. Mishra, Ashish Mishra, Luv Verma, G Rajesh, Balkrishna C. Rao and H. Murthy, 2023, “Functional Gradation of Aluminum Alloy by Impact of Ballistics as Severe Plastic Deformation Process,” International Journal of Impact Engineering 174, 104488. DOI
27. Arun Kumar. R, G. Rajesh, and Jagadeesh G, 2022, “The Reflection and Refraction of a Curved Shock Front Sliding over an Air-Water Interface,” Shockwaves 32 (6), 497-515, DOI
26. DiviaHarshaVardini R C, Arul Prakash K., and G. Rajesh, 2022, “An All-speed Formulation Using a Modified γ-model for the Prediction of Boundary Layer Transition and Heat Transfer,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 195, 123121. DOI
25. Vinoth Paramanantham, Sushmitha Janakiram, G Rajesh, 2022, "Prediction of Mach Stem Height in Compressible Open Jets, Part I. Overexpanded Jets," J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 942, A48. Open Access Article
24. Vagish D. Mishra, Ashish Mishra, Avinash Singh, Luv Verma and G. Rajesh, 2021, "Ballistic Impact Performance of UHMWP Fabric Impregnated with Shear Thickening Fluid Nanocomposite," Composite Structures, Vol.281, 114991. DOI
23. Rohtash Goyal, A. Sameen, T. Jayachandran and G. Rajesh, 2021, "Dynamic Effects in Transition from Regular to Mach Reflection in Steady Supersonic Flows," Physical Review E, 104, 055101. DOI
22. I. V. Thara Reshma, Paramanantham Vinoth, G. Rajesh, and G. Ben-Dor, 2021, "Propagation of a Planar Shock Wave along a Convex-Concave Ramp," J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 924, A37. Open Access Article
21. Sreelal M. R. and G. Rajesh, 2020, "Trajectory Predictions of New Lift Separation Sabots," Defence Technology, 17(4), 1361-1373. DOI
20. C. M. Athira, G. Rajesh, Sreelal Mohanan, and Aadhy Parthasarathy, 2020, "Flow Interactions on Supersonic Projectiles in Transitional Ballistic Regimes," J. Fluid Mechanics, 894, A27. DOI
19. K. M. Muhammed Rafi, M. Deepu and G. Rajesh, 2019, "Effect of Heat Transfer and Geometry on Micro-Thruster Performance," International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 146, 106063. DOI
18. R. Arun Kumar and G. Rajesh, 2019, "Effect of Geometric Configurations on the Starting Transients in Vacuum Ejector," AIAA Journal, 57 (7), 2905-2922. DOI
17. Shobhan Roy and G Rajesh, 2019, "An Analytical Model for Asymmetric Mach Reflection Configuration in Steady Flows," J. Fluid Mechanics, 863, 242-268. DOI
16. R. Arun Kumar and G. Rajesh, 2018, "Physics of Vacuum Generation in Zero-Secondary Flow Ejectors," Physics of Fluids, 30, 066102. (Selected as Editor's Pick.) DOI
15. R. Arun Kumar and G. Rajesh, 2017, "Shock Transformation and Hysteresis in Underexpanded Confined Jets," J. Fluid Mechanics, 823, 538-561. DOI
14. R. Arun Kumar and G. Rajesh, 2016, "Flow Transients in Un-started and Started Modes of Vacuum Ejector Operation," Physics of Fluids, 28, 056105. DOI
13. Ankit Mittal, G. Rajesh, V. Lijo, and H. D. Kim, 2014, "Starting Transients in a Vacuum Ejector-Diffuser System,” J. Propulsion and Power, 30(6), 1213-1223.DOI
12. C. K. Muthukumaran, G. Rajesh, and H. D. Kim, 2013, “Launch Dynamics of Supersonic Projectiles,” J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, 50 (6), 1150-1161.DOI
11. T. Nakabaru, T. Hashimoto, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, and and G. Rajesh, 2013, "Generating and focusing of underwater expansion wave using a silicon resin reflector," J. of Thermal Science, 22 (3), 209-215.
10. JianGuo Sun, Heuy Dong Kim, Yingzi Jin, and G. Rajesh, 2013, “Analytical Study on the Gas-Solid Suspension Flows Through Sonic and Supersonic Nozzles,” J. of Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers, 1, 9-17.
9.G. Rajesh, Gyanesh Kumar, H D Kim, and Mathew George, 2012, “Computational and Experimental Simulations of the Flow Characteristics of an Aerospike Nozzle,” Korean Journal of Visualization, 10(1), 47-54.
8. V. Lijo, H. D. Kim, G. Rajesh, and T. Setoguchi, 2010, “Numerical Simulation of Transient Flows in a Vacuum Ejector-Diffuser System,” J. Aerospace Engineering, IMechE, 224(7), 777-786.
7. G. Rajesh, H. D. Kim, and T. Setoguchi, 2008, “The Projectile Aerodynamics Overtaking a Shock Wave,” J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 45(6) pp.1251-1261.
6. G. Rajesh, R. Mishra, H. G. Kang, and H. D. Kim, 2007, “Computational Study of the Compressible Flow Driven by a Piston in a Ballistic Range,” J. Thermal Sciences, Springer, 16(4), 360-369.
5.G. Rajesh, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi, and S. Raghunathan, 2007, “Performance Analysis and Enhancement of the Ballistic Range,” J. Aerospace Engineering, IMechE, 221(5), 649-659.
4.G. Rajesh, H. D. Kim, S. Matsuo, and T. Setoguchi, 2007, “A Study of the Unsteady Projectile Aerodynamics Using a Moving Coordinate Method,” J. Aerospace Engineering, IMechE, 221(5), 691-706.
3. G. Rajesh, Heuy-Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo, 2007, “On the Near-Field Aerodynamics of a Projectile Launched from a Ballistic Range,” J. Mechanical Science and Technology, 21(7), 1129-1138.
2. G. Rajesh, J. M. Lee, S.C. Back, and H. D. Kim, 2006, “Theoretical Study for the Design of a New Ballistic Range,” J. Mechanical Science and Technology, 20(7), 1019-1029.
1. H. D. Kim, G. Rajesh, T. Setoguchi, and S. Matsuo, 2006, “Optimization Study of a Coanda Ejector,” J. Thermal Sciences, 15(4), 331-336.

National and International Conferences

83.S. Vishnu Prasad, C. Anbu Serene Raj, P. Vinoth and G Rajesh, 2024, "Expansion Wave Diffraction over Cavities",8th National Symposium on Shock Waves (NSSW 2024), 12th - 15th November, IIT Kanpur, India.
82.Shubham K. Vyas, DiviaHarshaVardini R C, Jayachandran T and G Rajesh, 2024,"Numerical Study on Shock Transitions Due to Rotation of a Compression Ramp Using Meshless Method," NSSW: 8th National Symposium on Shock Waves, 12th-15th, November, IIT Kanpur, India.
81.V Roshan, B. Kishore, R. C. DiviaHarshaVardini and G Rajesh, 2024, “Implementation of Nose Bluntness Effects in Modified γ-model for Transition Prediction in Blunted Configurations at Hypersonic Speed,” NSSW 2024: 8th National Symposium on Shock Waves, 12th - 15th November, IIT Kanpur, India.
80. Avinash Singh, Shubham K Vyas, T. Jayachandran and G Rajesh, 2024, "Investigating Compressible Flows using Geometrically Conserved Meshless Scheme with Adaptive Cloud Refinement", NSSW: 8th National Symposium on Shock Waves, 12th-15th, November, IIT Kanpur, India.
79. C. Anbu Serene Raj, P. Vinoth, S. Vishnu Prasad and G Rajesh, "Numerical Investigation of Pseudosteady Shock Interactions With Solid and Water Wedges", NSSW8: 8th National Symposium on Shock Waves, November 2024, IIT Kanpur, India.
78. Satyajit S. Meti, Sivaprasad Gangadharan and G Rajesh, “Formulation of a Novel Turbulence Model for Transonic Flows Using Physics Informed Neural Network”, NSSW8: 8th National Symposium on Shock Waves, November 2024, IIT Kanpur, India.
77. R. C. DiviaHarshaVardini,G Rajesh and Ikhyun Kim, 2024, “Transition Prediction in High-speed Boundary layers employing Film cooling using a modified γ-model,” 13NCFE: The 13th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, 24th-26th, July, Daejeon, South Korea.
76. Vishnu Prasad S., Anbu Sere Raj C., Vinoth P. and G Rajesh, 2024, "Wave Diffractions Over a Cavity",25th Shock Interaction Symposium- SIS2024, 1st-4th July, Delft, The Netherlands.
75. Anbu Serene Raj C, G Rajesh and A Sameen, "Shock refractions at an air-water interface in weak and strong incident shock regimes", 25th Shock Interaction Symposium - SIS2024, July 2024, Delft, The Netherlands.
74. Sivaprasad Gangadharan, Khushi Borwal, Anbu Serene Raj C, and G Rajesh, “ Prediction of Pseudosteady shock refraction over air-water interface using Fourier Neural Operator”, 25th Shock Interaction Symposium - SIS2024, July 2024, Delft, The Netherlands.
73. Vinoth Paramanandham, Reva Dhillon, I. V. Thara Reshma, and G Rajesh, " Mach Stem Height Estimation in Strong Reflection Domain for Overexpanded Jets", 25th Shock Interaction Symposium - SIS2024, July 2024, Delft, The Netherlands.
72. Sivaprasad Gangadharan, G Rajesh, “Reconstruction of Flow Field Using Physics Informed Machine Learning”, 25th Shock Interaction Symposium - SIS2024, July 2024, Delft, The Netherlands.
71. Shubham K. Vyas, Athira C. M. and G Rajesh, 2023,"Numerical Study Of Projectile Unstedy Drag Characteristics In The Intermediate Ballistic Regime," ISB33: International Syposum on Ballistics , 16th-21st, October , Brudge, Belgium.
70. Shubham K. Vyas, G Rajesh and Jayachandran T., 2023,"A Gridless Method for Computing Interior Ballistic Flows with Moving Discrete Points," 34th International Symposioum on Stock Waves-ISSW34, July, Daegu, South Korea .
69. R. C. DiviaHarshaVardini, G Rajesh and K. Arul Prakash, 2023,"Numerical Analysis of Boundary Layer Transition Control using Modified γ-model for High-speed flows”, 14𝑡ℎ Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD 2023) Bengaluru, November , India.
68. R.C. DiviaHarshaVardini, K. Arul Prakash, T. Jayachandran, G Rajesh, and Ikhyun Kim, 2023 "A Numerical study on the Effect of Mass Transfer in High-speed Boundary Layers using a Modified γ-model,”34𝑡ℎ International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW34), July, Daegu, South Korea.
67. DiviaHarshaVardini R.C., K Arul Prakash and G Rajesh, 2023, "Assessment of Modified γ-model for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition Prediction Considering Leading Edge Bluntness,”25𝑡ℎ AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference at Bengaluru, May, India .
66. DiviaHarshaVardini R.C.,G Rajesh, and Arul Prakash K, 2023, "Numerical Analysis on Boundary Layer Suction in Hypersonic flows using a Modified Transition Model,”7𝑡ℎ National Symposium on Shock Waves (NSSW2023) at PRL,February, Ahmedabad.
65. Vinoth P and G Rajesh, 2023,"A Study on Ideal MHD Shock Reflection over a Perfectly Conducting Wedge," ISSW34: 16-21st July, Daegu, South Korea .
64. Santhosh B, Vinoth P and G Rajesh, 2023,"Mach Stem Height Estimation in Axisymmetric Flows", ISSW34: 16-21st July, Daegu, South Korea .
63. Anbu Serene Raj C, S Vishnu Prasad and G Rajesh, 2023, "Experimental investigation of plane shock refraction over an oblique air-water interface",ISSW34: 16-21st July, Daegu, South Korea .
62. S Vishnu Prasad, Anbu Serene Raj, P. Vinoth and G Rajesh, 2023, "A Study On The Expansion Wave Diffraction Over A Bluff Body," 34th International Symposioum on Stock Waves-ISSW34, July, Daegu, South Korea .
61. R C DiviaHarshaVardini, G Rajesh, and K Arul Prakash, 2023, "Assessment Of Modified 𝛾-model for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition Prediction Considering Leading Edge Bluntness," 25th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, May, IISc, Bangalore.
60. Thara Reshma I V, Vishnu Prasad. S, P. Vinoth, and G Rajesh, 2023, “Unsteday Shock Reflections Over Curved Surfaces",7th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February, PRL, Ahmedabad.
59. DiviaHarshaVardini R C, G Rajesh, and Arul Prakash K, 2023, “Numerical Analysis on Boundary Layer Suction in Hypersonic flows using a Modified Transition Model,” 7th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February, PRL, Ahmedabad.
58. Sreelal M R and G Rajesh, 2022, “Kinetic Energy Projectile Launch Using Lift Separation Sabots,” Ballistics 2022, Vol-1, Emerging Technologies, Explosion Mechanics, Interior Ballistics, Launch Dynamics, and Vulnerability and Survivability, Proceeding of 32nd International Symposium, May 9-13, Reno, Nevada.
57. Athira C M and G Rajesh, 2022, “Analytical Estimation of the Projectile Trajectory and Drag Characteristics in the Interior and Transitional Ballistic Regimes,” Ballistics 2022, Vol-1, Emerging Technologies, Explosion Mechanics, Interior Ballistics, Launch Dynamics, and Vulnerability and Survivability, Proceeding of 32nd International Symposium, May 9-13, Reno, Nevada.
56. V. D. Mishra, A. Singh, L. Verma, and G. Rajesh, 2022, “Ballistic Study of Shear Thickening Fluid Impregnated Unidirectional Ultra-High Molecular Density Polyethylene Fabric,” Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics, 125-134.
55. Velari Yogeshkumar, R. V. Reji, P. A. Ramakrishna, and G Rajesh, 2021, "Enhancement of Combustion of a Solid Fuel Ramjet for its Application in an Artillery Shell," 12th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion & Energetic Materials (ISICP-12), ISICP-12
54. Vinoth P, Thara Reshma I V, and G Rajesh, 2020, "Numerical Simulation of Over Expanded Jets in Weak Shock Reflection Domain," 6th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, IITM, Chennai, India.
53. T Yousaf Saidalavi, G Rajesh, P K Pandey, S Kaur, and A.K. Vishwakarma 2020, "Blast Effect on the Trajectory of Artillery Shell," 6th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, IITM, Chennai, India.
52. Diviaharshavardini R C, Arul Prakash K, and G Rajesh, 2020, "Parametric Analysis on Design of Hypersonic Ludwieg Tube For Mach 6 Flow," 6th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, IITM, Chennai, India.
51. Rohtash Goyal, A. Sameen, T. Jayachandran, and G Rajesh, 2020, "Numerical Investigation of Regular and Mach Reflection of Oblique Shock Waves in UnsteadyFlows," 6th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, IITM, Chennai, India.
50. Sivaprasad G, Arun Kumar R, and G Rajesh, 2020, "Investigation of Change in Bifurcation Characteristic During the Flow Evolution in Backward Facing Step Using DMD and LDV," 6th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, IITM, Chennai, India.
49. P N Verma, M V Suryawanshi, K D Dhote, Satwinder Sigh, V K Dixit, H K Gogoi, M K Singh, G Rajesh, T Y Saidalavi, 2019, "Implosion Driven Hypervelocity Fragment Launcher: Experiments and Simulations," 12th International High Energy Materials Conference & Exhibit, December, IITM, Chennai, India.
48. Sreelal M R and G Rajesh , 2019, “Analytical and Experimental Studies on Sabot Separation in Intermediate Ballistic Regimes,” The 31st International Symposium on Ballistics, November Hyderabad, India.
47. Nitesh K. Sinha, G Rajesh, and Badal Modi, 2019, "Viscous Corrections for Hypersonic Air Intake Using CFD Simulations," AIAA 2019-3594. DOI
46. I V Thara Reshma, P Vinoth, G Rajesh, and G Ben-Dor, 2019, "Study on Normal Shock Moving over a Smooth Downward Ramp," 32nd International Symposium on Shockwaves, July, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
45. R Arun Kumar, J Gopalan, G Rajesh, and K Takayama, 2019, "An Experimental Study on Refracted Shocks and its Interaction with Underwater Bodies" 32nd International Symposium on Shockwaves, July, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
44. G Sivaprasad, R Ramprakash, G Rajesh, and R Arun Kumar, 2019, "Starting Shock Swallowing in a Supersonic Wind Tunnel: A Shock Transition Problem?," 32nd International Symposium on Shockwaves, July, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
43. R C DiviaHarshaVardini, K Arul Prakash, and G Rajesh, 2019, "Improved Transition Model for Hypersonic Boundary Layers," 32nd International Symposium on Shockwaves, July, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
42. I V Thara Reshma, Shobhan Roy, and G Rajesh, 2019, "A Study on the Effect of Wedge Position on Mach Stem Height in Steady Supersonic Flows," 32nd International Symposium on Shockwaves, July, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
41. Ijaz Ahamed and G Rajesh, 2019, "FSS- RSS Transition In Thrust Optimized Parabolic (TOP) Nozzles during Start-Up and Shut Down," 14th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, July, Gdansk, Poland.
40. Sreelal M R and G Rajesh, 2018, "Performance Analysis of Rapid Separation Sabot on an FSAPDS Projectile ," 7th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermal and Fluid Sciences, November, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
39. Sivaprasad G, Arun Kumar R, G Rajesh and Kim H D, 2018, "A Comparitive Study on the Start-up Process in Single Stage and Two Stage Vacuum Ejectors," 7th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermal and Fluid Sciences, November, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
38. I V Thara Reshma, Rohit Jejani, and G Rajesh, 2018, "Some Interesting Shockwave Transitions in Weak Shock Reflection Domain," 32nd National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, BIT Mersa, Ranchi, India.
37. Sreelal M R and G Rajesh, 2018, "A Study on Shock Interactions in A Sabot Separation Process," 25th International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, September, The Hague, The Netherlands.
36. Yousaf Saidalavi, G Rajesh and Gabi Ben-Dor, 2018, "A Study of Shock Interactions Inside A Helmet Under Blast Loading," 25th International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, September, The Hague, The Netherlands.
35. Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2018, "Shock Wave Diffraction Over Under Water Bodies," 25th International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, September, The Hague, The Netherlands.
34. Shobhan Roy and G Rajesh, 2018, "An Analytical Model for Asymmetric Mach Reflection Confguration in 2-D Steady Flows," 23rd International Shock Interaction Symposium, July, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
33. Vinoth P, Sushmitha J and G Rajesh, 2018, "Analytical and Numerical Predictions of Mach Stem height in Overexpanded and Underexpanded 2-D Jets," 23rd International Shock Interaction Symposium, July, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
32. Sivaprasad G, Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2018, "Flow Visualization of 3-D shock Transformations in Cylindrical Vacuum Ejectors," 23rd International Shock Interaction Symposium, July, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
31. Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2018, "A Study on the Reflection and Refraction of Blast Wave Sliding Over an Air-Water Interface," 23rd International Shock Interaction Symposium, July, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
30. Vinoth P and G Rajesh, 2018, "Prediction of Mach Stem Height in Overexpanded Jets," 5th National Symposium on Shockwaves," 5th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, TBRL Chandigarh. (Best Poster Award)
29. Anilkumar Pasam and G Rajesh, 2018, "A Simpler Criterion for Detachment Condition in Double Wedge Shock Reflections," 5th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, TBRL Chandigarh.
28. Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2018, "An Experimental Study on the Blastwave Propagation over an Air-Water Interface," 5th National Symposium on Shockwaves, February 26-28, TBRL Chandigarh.
27. Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2017, "Upstream Pressure Induced MR-RR Shock Transitions," 31st International Symposium on Shockwaves, July 9-14, Nagoya University, Japan.
26. Athira C M and G Rajesh, 2017, "Experimental study on Configuration Effects of Supersonic Projectiles in Transitional Ballistic Regimes," 31st International Symposium on Shockwaves, July 9-14, Nagoya University, Japan.
25. Shobhan Roy and G Rajesh, 2017, "Analytical Prediction of Mach Stem Height for Asymmetric Wedge Reflection in 2-D Steady Flows," 31st International Symposium on Shockwaves, July 9-14, Nagoya University, Japan.
24. K M M Rafi, B A H Fahd, M Deepu, and G Rajesh, 2017, "Experimental and Numerical Studies on Plume Structures of Micro-Nozzles Operating at High Vacuum Conditions," 31st International Symposium on Shockwaves, July 9-14, Nagoya University, Japan.
23. Ijaz Mohamed and G Rajesh, 2017, "Shock interactions in Thrust Optimized Parabolic (TOP) Nozzles during Start-Up and Shut Down," 31st International Symposium on Shockwaves, July 9-14, Nagoya University, Japan.
22. Athira C M and G Rajesh, 2016, "Experimental Study of Projectile -Blast Flow Field Interactions in Transitional Ballistic Regime," 24th International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, September, Halifax, Canada.
21. Badrinarayanan A S and G Rajesh, 2016, "Computational Simulation of Shock Interactions in Supersonic Projectile Launch," 22nd International Shock Interaction Symposium, July, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
20. Dheepak N Khatri, Pasam Anil Kumar, G Rajesh, and Santanu Ghosh, 2016, "Hysteresis Phenomenon in reflection of Asymmetric Shock Waves," 22nd International Shock Interaction Symposium, July, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
19. Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2016, "Shock Transformations in Vacuum Ejectors," 22nd International Shock Interaction Symposium, July, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
18. Arun S, Arun Kumar R, Sameen A, G Rajesh, and Balaji Srinivasan, 2016, "Numerical Investigation of Initial Transients on The Flow Field In A Vacuum Ejector," 4th National Symposium of Shockwaves, February, Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
17. Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2016, "Diffuser Flow Characteristics During Vacuum Ejector-Diffuser Start-Up," 4th National Symposium of Shockwaves, February, Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
16. Arun Kumar R and G Rajesh, 2015, "A Study on unsteady shear layer-shock Interaction in a vacuum ejector-diffuser system ," 30th International Symposium on Shockwaves, July, Ben-Gurion, Israel.
15. Vinod Yeldho Baby, and G Rajesh, 2015, "Experimental Study on the Interaction of Under Expanded Jets in Rarefied Flow Regimes," 30th International Symposium on Shockwaves, July, Ben-Gurion, Israel.
14. Arun Kumar R, G Rajesh, and Kim H D, 2015, "Flow characteristics of vacuum ejectors during start-up," 12th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, July, Lerici, Italy.
13. G Rajesh, T. Hashimoto, and H. D. Kim, 2012, " CFD Analysis of the Compressible Flow in a Vortex Cup," Proceedings of 4th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, October, Busan, Korea.
12. C. K. Muthukumaran, G Rajesh, H. D. Kim, 2012 , “A study on the unsteady aerodynamics of projectiles in overtaking blast flow fields,” 9th International Conference on Heat transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Italy, Malta.
11. Anand Raj Hariharan, S. Anil lal, Z. A. Samitha, G Rajesh, and P. Balachandran, 2010, “Thermal Mixing Analysis Of Three Lobed Clover Nozzle” 1st International Symposium on Mechanics, Materials and Management, January, College of Engg., Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
10. Fazil Mohammed, S. Anil lal, Z. A. Samitha, G Rajesh, and P. Balachandran, 2009, “A Parametric Study for the Optimization of a Supersonic Ejector,” The 20th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, July, Canada
9. Anand Raj Hariharan, Z. A. Samitha, S. Anil lal, G Rajesh, and P. Balachandran, 2009 ,“Numerical Analysis of Thermal Mixing with Clover nozzle,” The 20th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, July, Canada
8. G Rajesh, and H. D. Kim, “A Study on the Interior Ballistics of a Two-Stage Light-Gas Gun,” 2008, 2nd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, May, Luoyang, China
7. G Rajesh, Suryakant Nagdewe, H. D. Kim, and T. Setoguchi, 2008, “Supersonic and Subsonic Projectile Overtaking Problems in Muzzle Gun Applications,” 4th Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power, March, Daejon, Korea
6. G Rajesh, H. D. Kim, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, and M. Deepu, 2008, “Computational Analysis of the Transient Flows in an Ejector-Diffuser System,” 12th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, August, Daejon, Korea
5. G Rajesh, H. D. Kim, and Y. K. Lee, “Computational Study of the Operating Processes of a Ballistic Range,” 2008, 12th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, August, Daejon, Korea
4. Rajesh, G. Pillai, H. G. Kang, H. D. Kim, and Suryakant Nagdewe, 2007 “Computational Study of the Unsteady Aerodynamics of the Projectile Overtaking a Moving Shockwave,” 7th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics, November, Bangalore, India.
3. G Rajesh, R. Mishra, H. G. Kang, and H. D. Kim, 2007, “Computational Study of the Compressible Flow Driven by a Piston in the Ballistic Range,” 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, July, Lyon, France
2. G Rajesh, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi, and S. Matsuo, 2006, “Optimization Study of a Coanda Ejector,” 1st Asian Joint workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Sciences, June, Qufu, China
1. G Rajesh, H. G. Kang, H. D. Kim, and T. Setoguchi, 2006, “Theoretical and Computational Studies on Ballistic Range Performance,” 1st Asian Joint workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Sciences, June, Qufu, China

Invited Talks

Shock Propagation and Transition on Air And Air-Water Interfaces , 7th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, November 2018
Shock Reflections in Compressible Open jets, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, March 2018
Shock Wave Technology: Future Prospects in Agri-Food sector, International Conference on Food Processing and Agribusiness-“Emerging Trends,” Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bangalore, January 2018
Time resolved schlieren and shadowgraph techniques for high-speed flows, Rajalekshmi Engineering College, July 2017
High-Speed Imaging Techniques, College of Engineering Adoor, KUSAT, March 2017
Transitional Ballistics of Supersonic Projectiles, International Conference on Recent Advances in Aerospace Engineering, Karunya University, March 2017
Flow Visualization Techniques, Rajalekshmi Engineering College, August 2016
Mach Reflection Phenomenon in Open Jets, College of Engineering Adoor, KUSAT, January 2016
Transitional Ballistics, NIT Suratkal, September 2015

Courses Offered

IIT Madras
Theory of Interior & Intermediate Ballistics (Graduate)
Fluid Mechanics (Undergraduate)
Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance (Graduate)
Gas Dynamics (Undergraduate)
Compressible Fluid Flow (Graduate)
Experimental Aerodynamics (Undergraduate)
Aerodynamic Design of Aircrafts (Graduate & Undergraduate)
Shockwave Dynamics (Graduate & Undergraduate)
Experimental Methods in Aero/Gas Dynamics (Graduate)
Low-speed Lab (Undergraduate)
AeroLab I & II (Undergraduate)
Laboratory I (Graduate)
Keimyung University, South Korea
Fluid Mechanics
Introduction to Automotive Engineering
IIST, Thiruvananthapuram
Gas Dynamics
Engineering Mechanics
Aerodynamics Lab


Vinoth P

PhD Scholar
Research Topic: Unsteady shock Reflections in open jets and Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows

Divia Harshavardini S

PhD Scholar (Jointly with Dr. Arul Prakash K)
Research Topic: Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition

Sivaprasad G

PhD Scholar (PMR Fellow)
Research Topic: Bistability in Suddenly Expanding High-Speed Confined Jets

Nitesh Kumar Sinha

PhD Scholar (SCL, ISRO)
Research Topic: Micro-Nozzle Flows

Shubham K Vyas

PhD Scholar
Research Topic: Interior Ballistic Simulations of High Explosive Shells

Anbu Serene Raj C

PhD Scholar (Jointly with Dr. A Sameen)
Research Topic: Richtmyer–Meshkov instability in Density Stratified Media

Vinod Yeldho Baby

PhD Scholar (QIP)
Research Topic: Mach number Variation Induced Shock Transitions

Vishnu Prasad S

PhD Scholar
Research Topic: Expansion Fan Diffraction over Bodies

Avinash Shingh

phD Scholar
Research Topic: Ballistics and High-Speed Flow Laboratory

Pranav Kumar Pandey

phD Scholar
Research Topic: High Energy Materials Research Laboratory(HEMRL),DRDO.


Dr. Thara Reshma I V (2022)

Thesis: Shock Wave Reflections and Transitions in the Weak Shock Reflection Domain
Assistant Professor, Manipal Institute of Technology

Dr. Athira C M - PhD (2021)

Thesis: Aerodynamics of High-Speed Projectiles in the Intermediate Ballistic Regimes
Senior Project Officer, Ballistic and High-Speed Flow Lab, IIT Madras

Dr. Sreelal M R - PhD (2021)

Thesis: Investigation on Sabot Separation Phenomenon & Design of Lift Separation Sabots for Kinetic Energy Projectiles
Senior Project Officer, Ballistic and High-Speed Flow Lab, IIT Madras

Dr. Arun Kumar R - PhD (2018)

Thesis: Transient Flow Characteristics in High-Speed Confined Jets
Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur

Dr. Arun S- PhD (2019)

Thesis: Computations of High-Speed Mixing layers (Jointly with Dr. A Sameen)

Shobhan Roy - MS (2019)

(Jointly with Dr. Santanu Ghosh)
Thesis: Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction on Porous Surafces

Ijaz Ahamed - MS (2021)

Thesis: Shock Interactions in Thrust Optimised Parabolic (TOP) Nozzles during Start-Up and Shut-Down Transient
Scientist/Engineer, LPSC, ISRO

Dual Degree & M.Tech

1. Anil Kumar Pasam - Regular Reflection-Mach Reflection transitions in double wedge geometry (2017)
2. J. Jayasilan - Design and Computational Analysis of Ludwieg Tube (2017)
3. Ravi Prakash - Design of Dual Bell Nozzle (2016)
4. Vinod Yeldho Baby - Experimental Study on Interactions of Under Expanded Jets in the Rarefied Flow Regimes (2015)
5. Badrinarayanan A S - Computational Simulation of Launch Disturbances of Kinetic Energy Projectiles in the Intermediate Ballistic Regime (2015)
6. Keerthi Balakumar - An Experimental Study of Projectile Blast Flow Fields in Transitional Ballistic Regimes (2015)

2005 - 2008
Mechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
Andong National University
South Korea
1997 - 1999
Master of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
University of Kerala
1990 - 1994
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
TKM College of Engineering
University of Kerela

2021 - present
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Madras
2013 - 2021
Associate Professor
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Madras
2012 - 2013
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
Keimyung University
South Korea
2008 - 2012
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IIST, Valiamala
2003 - 2008
Mechanical Engineering
Govt. Engineering College
2001 - 2003


Aero-ballistic Range

The aero-ballistic range is used to accelerate projectiles of various configurations accelerated upto supersonic Mach numbers. The aero-ballictis range consists of a high pressure tube (HPT), a pump tube(PT) and a launch tube (LT). The HPT and PT are separated by thin plastic diaphragms (OHP sheet), and the PT and the LT are separated by a scored aluminium diaphrgam of thickness 0.9mm to 1.2mm. When the high pressure tube is given a pressure of 10 - 20 bar, the plastic diaphragm breaks which pushes the piston in the PT and the piston develops very high pressures (~200-300 bar) in the pump tube, and the aluminum diphragm is broken. LT flow is initiated and the projectile kept in the LT is accelerated to very high velocities. When the projectile comes out of the tube, the flow field is captured using time resolved schlieren or shadowgraph techniques.

Typical tests that are conducted in the aero-ballistic range are studies on shock-shock interactions, projectile-flow field interactions, unsteady aerodynamics of supersonic and transonic projectiles in transitional ballistic regimes, blast impact of steel and aluminium structures, etc.

gun1 gun1

Open Jet Facility

The open jet facility is fed from a 36 cubic meter, 10 bar reservoir. The stagnation chamber pressure is controlled by two pressure regulating valves (PRV) connected parallelly to acheive a maximum flow rate of 2kg/s. Typical tests that are conducted in this facility include, open jet studies in nozzle flow, ejector studies, etc.

openjet prv

High-speed imaging facilities

Schlieren system

The schlieren system consists of two no.s of 300mm diameter, 2000 mm focal length parabolic mirrors, a Newport 100W halogen light source, 150mm diameter, 450 mm focal length bi-convex lens and two high-speed cameras (IX-726 and Photron SA-4) with 26000 FPS and 3600 FPS at 1 MP, and a minimum exposure time of 259 ns, (Max. FPS: 1 Million) and 1 micro sec (Max. FPS: 0.6 million) repectively

Some results
