Reviewer for:

J1        Journal of Sound and Vibration

J2        AIAA Journal of Aircraft

J3        AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics

J4        Iranian Journal of Science and Technology

J5        Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, JAeSI, India


Honours and Awards:

**        Identified as an Excellent Reviewer by AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (2009)

**        In Marqui’s who’s who in the world 2009 edition

**        DST, CSIR, INSA Travel Award (2001)


Honorary Activities:

**        Co-chaired a technical session in the ICEAE 2009, IISc, Banglaore

**        Co-chaired a technical session in the WSEAS Dynamical Systems and Control Conference (Control 09), Tenerife, Spain


Invited Talks (in chronological order):

IT9        Dynamics Group, Mechanical Engineering Department, TU Darmstadt, Germany (2009)

IT8        Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras (2006)

IT7        Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras (2005)

IT6        Department of Mechanical Engg., Dynamics Group, TU-Darmstadt , Germany (2005)

IT5        Department of  Mathematics, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany (2005)

IT4        Department of Aerospace Engg., IIT Bombay (2005)

IT3        Department of Mathematics, Florida State University, USA (2002)

IT2        Department of Engineering Science and  Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University, USA (2002)

IT1        Department of Control and Dynamical Systems (CDS), CalTech, Pasadena, USA (2002)


Invited Lectures:

L2        Lecture Series on Dynamic Stability Analysis and Trajectory Tracking Control, at ISRO Satellite Center, Bangalore, June 30 - July 1, 2010.

L2        On Liquid Slosh Modeling and Simulation, Dept. of Ocean Engg., IIT Madras

L1        On AUTO continuation algorithm, Dept. of Mathematics, IIT Madras