Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Madras, Chennai - 600036
Tel: 044-22574010, 22574000
Research Interests
- Statics, dynamics and stability of laminated composite beams, plates and shells under thermomechanical loads
- Three-dimensional analysis using theories of isotropic/anisotropic elasticity
Books Authored
1. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan, Strength of Materials, 2nd Edn., Ane Books, 2025.
2. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan, Plates, 2nd edition, Ane Books, 2024.
3. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan, Theory of Isotropic/ Orthotropic Elasticity, Ane Books/Springer, 2023.
4. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan, Basic Strength of Materials: A Handy Resource, Ane Books, 2022/ Strength of Materials: A Concise Textbook, Springer, 2023.
5. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan, Plates: Theories and Applications, Ane Books/Springer, 2021.
Refereed Journal Papers
1. R.Alok Menon and K.Bhaskar, Flexure of a rigidly clamped orthotropic sandwich plate strip - An elasticity solution using superposition method, Jl. of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 24(1), 2022, 119-140.
2. Adarsh Ravindran and K.Bhaskar, Elasticity solution for a sandwich plate having composite facesheets with in-plane grading, Jl. of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 23(6), 2021, 2484-2505.
3. Adarsh Ravindran and K.Bhaskar, Three-dimensional analysis of composite FGM rectangular plates with in-plane heterogeneity, Int. Jl. of Mech. Sciences, 160, 2019, 386-396.
4. K.Bhaskar and Adarsh Ravindran, Elasticity solution for orthotropic FGM plates with dissimilar stiffness coefficient variations, Acta Mechanica, 230, 2019, 979-992.
5. Anup Pydah and K.Bhaskar, Accurate analytical solutions for shear-deformable web-core sandwich plates, Jl. of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 19(5), 2017,616-643.
6. Anup Pydah and K.Bhaskar, An accurate discrete model for web-core sandwich plates, Jl. of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 18(4), 2016, 474-500.
7. Anup Pydah and K.Bhaskar, Accurate discrete modelling of stiffened isotropic and orthotropic rectangular plates, Thin-walled Structures, 97, 2015, 266-278.
8. K.Bhaskar and Anup Pydah, An elasticity approach for simply-supported isotropic and orthotropic stiffened plates, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 89, 2014, 21-30.
9. S. Kshirsagar and K. Bhaskar, Free vibration and stability analysis of orthotropic shear-deformable plates using untruncated infinite series superposition method, Thin-walled Structures, 47,2009,403-11.
10. K.Bhaskar and J.Dhaoya, Straightforward power series solutions for rectangular plates, Composite Structures, 89,2009, 253-61.
11. S. Kshirsagar and K. Bhaskar, Accurate and elegant free vibration and buckling studies of orthotropic rectangular plates using untruncated infinite series, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 314, Issues 3-5, 22 July 2008, 837-850.
12. S.Kshirsagar and K.Bhaskar, Accurate free vibration analysis of clamped unsymmetric cross-ply/antisymmetric angle-ply/ functionally graded rectangular plates by superposition of untruncated infinite series, Jl. of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 27,2008,1189-1209.
13. K.Bhaskar and A.Sivaram, Untruncated infinite series superposition method for accurate flexural analysis of isotropic/orthotropic rectangular plates with arbitrary edge conditions, Composite Structures, 83(1), 2008, 83-92.
14. Prasun Jana & K.Bhaskar, Analytical solutions for buckling of rectangular plates under non-uniform biaxial compression or uniaxial compression with in-plane lateral restraint, International Jl. of Mechanical Sciences, 49(10), 2007, 1104-1112.
15. J.Bharat Kalyan & K.Bhaskar, An analytical parametric study on buckling of non-uniformly compressed orthotropic rectangular plates, Composite Structures, 82(1), 2008, 10-18.
16. V.Pradeep, N.Ganesan & K.Bhaskar, Vibration and thermal buckling of composite sandwich beams with viscoelastic core, Composite Structures, 81(1), 2007, 60-69.
17. Prasun Jana & K. Bhaskar, Analytical solutions for buckling of simply supported rectangular plates due to non-linearly distributed in-plane bending stresses, Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 26(2), 2007, 151-162.
18. K.Bhaskar, An elegant and rigorous analytical solution for anti-symmetric angle-ply rectangular plates with any combination of simply supported and clamped edges, Jl. of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,25(16), 2006, 1679-1689.
19. Prasun Jana & K. Bhaskar, Stability analysis of simply-supported rectangular plates under non-uniform uniaxial compression using rigorous and approximate plane stress solutions, Thin-walled Structures, 44(5), 2006, 507-516.
20. P.Umasree & K.Bhaskar, Analytical solutions for flexure of clamped rectangular cross-ply plates using an accurate zig-zag type higher-order theory, Composite Structures, 74(4), 2006, 426-439.
21. P.Umasree & K.Bhaskar, Accurate flexural analysis of clamped moderately thick cross-ply rectangular plates by superposition of exact untruncated infinite series solutions, Jl. of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 24(16), 2005, 1723-1736.
22. K.Bhaskar & B.Kaushik, Analysis of clamped unsymmetric cross-ply rectangular plates by superposition of simple exact double Fourier series solutions, Composite Structures, 68(3), 2005, 303-307.
23. K.Bhaskar & B.Kaushik, Simple and exact series solutions for flexure of orthotropic rectangular plates with any combination of clamped and simply supported edges, Composite Structures, 63(1), 2004, 63-68.
24. K.Bhaskar & N.Ganapathysaran, Elasticity solutions for laminated orthotropic cylindrical shells subjected to localized longitudinal and circumferential moments, ASME Jl. of Pressure Vessel Technology, 125(1), 2003, 26-35
25. K.Bhaskar & G.Balasubramanyam, Accurate analysis of end-loaded laminated orthotropic cylindrical shells, Composite Structures 58(2), 2002, 209-216.
26. K.Bhaskar & N.Ganapathysaran, Three-dimensional analysis of a cross-ply cylindrical shell subjected to a localized circumferential shear force, International Jl. of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 79(7), 2002, 519-524.
27. K.Bhaskar & N.Ganapathysaran, Elasticity solution for a laminated orthotropic cylindrical shell subjected to a localized longitudinal shear force, ASME Jl. of Applied Mechanics, 69(5), 2002, 700-703..
28. T.K.Varadan & K.Bhaskar, Elasticity solutions for cross-ply plates under localized surface moments, Jl. of the Aeronautical Society of India, 53(3), 2001, 154-159.
29. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, The contradicting assumptions of zero transverse normal stress and strain in thin plate theory - a justification, ASME Jl. of Applied Mechanics, 68(4), 2001, 660-662.
30. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan & Chinnu Jacob, Free edge stresses in laminated cylindrical shells due to axisymmetric transverse loads, Jl. of the Aeronautical Society of India, 52(1), 2000, 26-38.
31. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan & Chinnu Jacob, Free edge stresses in symmetric cross-ply plates undergoing flexure due to transverse loading, Jl. of the Aeronautical Society of India, 51(3), 1999, 163-173.
32. J.S.M.Ali, K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, A new theory for accurate thermal/mechanical flexural analysis of symmetric laminated plates, Composite Structures, 45, 1999, 227-232.
33. T.K.Varadan & K.Bhaskar, Review of different laminate theories for the analysis of composites, Jl. of the Aeronautical Society of India, 49(4), 1997, 202-208.
34. P.Murugesan, T.K.Varadan & K.Bhaskar, Accurate analysis of free edge stresses by finite difference method, Jl. of the Aeronautical Society of India, 49(3),1997, 180-182.
35. K.Bhaskar, Jiji Mathew & T.K.Varadan, Elasticity solutions for cylindrical bending of clamped isotropic plates under thermomechanical loads, Jl. of the Aeronautical Society of India, 48(3), 1996, 229-235.
36. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan & J.S.M.Ali, Thermoelastic solutions for orthotropic and anisotropic composite plates, Composites Part B, 27B, 1996, 415-420.
37. K.Bhaskar & L.Librescu, Buckling under axial compression of thin-walled composite beams exhibiting extension-twist coupling, Composite Structures, 31, 1995, 203-212
38. K.Bhaskar & L.Librescu, A geometrically nonlinear theory for laminated anisotropic thin-walled beams, International Jl. of Engineering Science, 33(9), 1995, 1331-1344.
39. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, A benchmark elasticity solution for locally loaded laminated orthotropic cylindrical shells, AIAA Jl., 32(3), 1994, 627-632.
40. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, A benchmark elasticity solution for an axisymmetrically loaded angle-ply cylindrical shell, Composites Engineering, 3(11), 1993, 1065-1073.
41. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, Interlaminar stresses in composite cylindrical shells under transient loads, Jl. of Sound and Vibration, 168(3). 1993, 469-477.
42. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, Exact elasticity solution for laminated anisotropic cylindrical shells, ASME Jl .of Applied Mechanics, 60(1), 1993, 41-47.
43. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, Comments on "Free vibrations of laminated rectangular plates analyzed by higher-order individual layer theory", Jl. of Sound and Vibration, 154(1), 1992, 178-179.
44. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, Reissner`s new mixed variational principle applied to laminated cylindrical shells, ASME Jl. of Pressure Vessel Technology, 114(1), 1992, 115-119.
45. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, A higher-order theory for bending analysis of laminated shells of revolution, Computers and Structures, 40(4), 1991, 815-819.
46. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, An accurate theory for laminated cylindrical shells, Jl. of the Aeronautical Society of India, 43(4), 1991, 307-317
47. T.K.Varadan & K.Bhaskar, Bending of laminated orthotropic cylindrical shells - an elasticity approach, Composite Structures, 17(2), 1991, 141-156.
48. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, Analytical solution for a pinched laminated cylinder, ASME Jl. of Applied Mechanics, 57(4), 1990, 1082-1083.
49. K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, Refinement of higher-order laminated plate theories, AIAA Jl., 27(12), 1989, 1830-1831.
50. J.Raamachandran & K.Bhaskar, Large amplitude vibrations of rectangular plates with non-uniform elastic edge supports, Jl. of Sound & Vibration, 103(2),1985,153-8.
Conference Papers
1. Anup Pydah & K Bhaskar, Elasticity solutions for isotropic and orthotropic stiffened plates, 17th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 16, 2014, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.
2. Prasun Jana & K.Bhaskar, Buckling of rectangular plates under non-uniform compression using rigorous plane stress solutions, Proc. 3rd International Conf. on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), IIT, Kharagpur, 28-30 Dec.2004, pp.364-366.
3. T.K.Varadan & K.Bhaskar, On the analysis of composite laminates, Proc. 48th Annual General Meeting, Aeronautical Society of India, 31 Jan.-1 Feb. 1997, pp.437-450.
4. J.S.M.Ali, K.Bhaskar & T.K.Varadan, Thermoelastic solutions for cross-ply plate and shell strips, Proc. Conference on Engineering Applications of Solid Mechanics, Madras, 7-8 Dec. 1995; Recent Advances in Solid Mechanics, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1996, 197-202.
5. K.Bhaskar & L.Librescu, Flexural buckling of extension-twist coupled thin-walled beams, Proc. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, 12-17 Nov., 1995; Recent Advances in Solids and Structures - 1995, ASME PVP-Vol.321/NE-Vol.18, 185-192.
6. K.Bhaskar, T.K.Varadan & S.Savithri, Analysis of thick laminated shells and plates, Proc. Indo-US Workshop on Composites for Aerospace Applications, Bangalore, 22-27 July, 1990; Composite Structures - Testing, Analysis and Design, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1992, 354-360.