Name: |
Dr. Amit
Designation: |
Address: |
ASE 104 Department of
Aerospace Engineering Indian Institute of
Technology Madras Chennai,
Hours: |
Number: |
+91-44-2257 4019
Address(es): |
Personal Home
Page: |
| |
Education: |
- B. E. (Chemical) REC
Rourkela, Orissa, India (1994)
- M. E. (Aerospace) Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka,
- Ph.D. (Mechanical &
Aerospace), Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio (2004)
Experience: |
- Associate Professor,
IIT, Madras (since June 2010)
- Assistiant Professor,
IIT, Madras (July 2005- May 2010)
- Research Associate, Case
Western Reserve University,Cleveland,
- Project Associate,
Indian Institute of Science, Banagalore, India
- Executive Trainee, Heavy
Engineering Corporation, Ranchi, India
Areas of
expertise: |
Most recently taught courses at IIT
Madras and elsewhere: |
Awards: |
Interests: |
- Computational combustion
applied to low speed flows
- Fire safety research
(microgravity to terrestial environments)
Most recently published
papers: |
A., Shih, H. Y., and T'ien, J. S., "A
Comparison of Extinction Limits and Spreading
Rates in Opposed and Concurrent Spreading Flames
over Thin Solids," Combustion and Flame, 132,
667-677 (2003)
A., Tolejko, K., and T'ien, J. S., "A
Computational Study of Flame-Solid Radiative
Interaction in Flame Spread over Thin
Solid-fuel," Journal of Heat Transfer, 126,
611-620 (August 2004)
A., and T'ien, J. S., "A Computational
Study of Low Oxygen Flammability Limit for Thick
Solid Slabs," under review (submitted to
Combustion and Flame)
A., and T'ien, J. S., "Numerical
Modeling of Limiting Oxygen Index Apparatus for
Film Type Fuels," under
preparation Papers at
Conferences and Workshops
Tolejko K., Kleinhenz J., Kumar
A., Pettegrew R. and T'ien J. S.,
"Downward Flame Spread Over a Composite Thin
Solid: Comparison of Experimental and Model
Results," 4th Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections
of the Combustion Institute, Philadelphia, March
A., and T'ien, J. S., "A Computational
Study of Low Oxygen Flammability Limit for Thick
Solid Samples", The spring technical meeting of
the Central Section of the Combustion Institute,
March 2004
A., and T'ien, J. S., "Numerical
Modeling of Limiting Oxygen Index Apparatus:
Effect of Gas Velocity on Oxygen Index for Film
Type Fuels", The fall Technical meeting of the
Eastern States of the Combustion Institute,
October 2003,109-112
J. S., Sacksteder, K., Ferkul, P. V., Pettegrew,
R., Street, K., Kumar, A., Tolejko, K.,
Klienhenz, J., Piltch, N., "Solid
Inflammability Boundary at Low-speed (SIBAL),"
7th Microgravity Combustion Workshop, Cleveland,
June 2003, 121-124
Sacksteder, K., Ferkul, P. V.,
Feier, I. I., Kumar, A., T'ien, J. S.,
"Upward and Downward Flame spreading and
Extinction in Partial Gravity Environments," 7th
Microgravity Combustion Workshop, Cleveland,
June 2003, 141-144
Tolejko, K., Kumar, A., and T'ien,
J. S., "Computed Radiation Effects on
Thin Fuel Spread in Quiescent Microgravity
environment," 3rd Joint meeting of the US
Section of the Combustion Institute, Chicago,
March 2003
A., Tolejko, K., and T'ien, J. S., " A
Computational Study on Flame Radiation-Surface
Interaction in Flame Spread over Thin
Solid-fuel," The 6th ASME-JSME Thermal
Engineering Joint Conference, Hawaii, March
J. S., Sacksteder, K., Shih, H. Y., Kumar, A.,
Klienhenz, J., Pettegrew, Piltch, N., and Frate,
D., "Solid Inflammability Boundary at
Low-speed (SIBAL)," 6th Microgravity Combustion
Workshop, Cleveland, May 2001,
A., Shih, H. Y., and T'ien, J. S., "A
Comparison of Extinction Limits and Spreading
Rates in Opposed and Concurrent Spreading Flames
over Thin Solids," 2nd Joint meeting of the US
Section of the Combustion Institute, Oakland,
March 2001
A, Paul, P. J., and Mukunda, H. S.,
"Computational Studies on premixed Gas Fired
Cyclone Combustors," 15th National Conference on
IC Engines and Combustion, Chennai, December
1997 (best paper
award). |
Current M.S. thesis
guidance: |
Current Ph.D. thesis
guidance: |
| | | |