! COMBUSTION OF HYDROGEN IN OXYGEN ! (a) Combustion or assigned-enthalpy-and-pressure problem (hp). ! (b) Fuels is H2 at 298.15 K. The oxidant is O2 at 298K. ! (c) Oxidant-to-fuel weight ratio is specified interms of phi=1 ! (d) Mixture enthalpy is calculated from reactant values given in ! thermo.lib. This is because data for these species are given in ! thermo.lib and the species names match exactly. ! (e) product species considered is H2O ('only' dataset). ! Note: these species names must match those used in thermo.lib. ! (f) Assigned pressure is 1atm. ! (g) Mixture properties are to be printed in SI units (siunits). ! (h) Mole fractions > 1.e-15 are to be in e-format (trace=1.e-15). ! reac oxid O2 moles=1 t(K)=298.15 fuel H2 moles=1 t(K)=298.15 prob case=Hydrogen_Oxygen hp p(atm)=1, phi=1 only H2O output siunits trace=1.e-15 end End all input for Hydrogen_Oxygen